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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Welcome to our new blog, Champagne & Spaghetti Stains! 

We’re two girlfriends who met in college- and feel called upon to share our life stories, feelings, and of course.. our many, many awkward moments.  Welcome to each of our crazy worlds.

Here’s a little bit about us, 

My name is Brittany. I am in my mid-twenties, a mother of a 3 year old little boy who makes every day a new adventure, and I have a husband who is an avid hunter- and is quite possibly the hardest working man I have ever met.- I'm still getting adjusted to motherhood and wifehood, and tackling my "wifely duties" (cleaning, cooking) is seriously quite the challenge- but I'm getting better! I am currently surviving nursing school with only a year to go! Call me optimistic, but as a retired sorority girl and cheerleader, I swear there had to be a time in my life where I was “cool”, but for the most part, I think I scream MOM now. I still throw on my bright red lipstick and curl my hair (during holidays and special occasions), but more than likely, there’s some spaghetti or who knows what hiding somewhere in my curls. It’s not abnormal for me to have dance parties with my son  to the ninja turtle theme song. I am also 100% gullible and will try almost any online beauty trick I find (mostly hair tips, because motherhood has made my hair a hot mess). I'm a little obsessed with decorating, so I am usually always in the middle of a DIY project. I love sharing my favorite moments, inspirations, and feelings- and now I get to do it with my best friend and partner in crime as we take on this blogging adventure together. 

(Left, Brittany; Right, Tricia)

My name is Tricia and I'm in my slightly later twenties, originally from western Tennessee, and a North Carolinian now, by way of Kentucky. I am married to my high school sweetheart and best friend, who makes life a fun adventure every day. We don't have any kids yet, other than the most perfect hound dog in the world (Seriously, my dog is better than yours. That's just the truth.). I teach high school biology because I'm a huge science nerd that loves nothing more than lighting that same nerdy fire in the brains of tomorrow. I'm the kind of girl that would rather hike or camp than shop any day, and I will always choose beer (or champagne) over a mixed drink. While I am not a fan of phrases like "crunchy" or "crazy hippie" or "no, Tricia, I don't need another lecture on recycling or not eating meat", I am a bit of an (extreme) environmentalist. Though I may be a perfectionist with unrealistically high expectations, those who are closest to me know that I'm truly just a goofball that doesn't even come close to having it all together. Brittany and I have always talked about writing a book together, and now that we have miles between us, maybe this blog will be the first step. Or maybe it will just be a fun way to share our silly lives with each other. Either way, enjoy! 

"We may not have it all together, but together we have it all."

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