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Friday, April 17, 2015

The top 15 ways to avoid studying...

Top 15 ways to avoid studying...

Every time I have a day off, I wake up with all the intentions in the world to spend my day productively studying.. right after breakfast. That my friends, is where the cycle begins. So, Just in time for finals, we present... The things we do to avoid studying!

1. Read a blog ... :) 
The day you need to be focused on studying, you run across all these funny articles on procrastination and avoiding studying. It's so perfectly fitting, how could you not stop and read?

2. Facebook on the computer
“I’ll only look at facebook for like, 5 minutes while my brain gets ready for such a long day. I mean, I have 14 hours to fill full of studying!”

3. Facebook on your phone
You quickly realize that you have gotten NOTHING accomplished, because once you when through facebook on your computer… it led to Pinterest… which led to Target.. which led to new throw pillows. So you pull up your powerpoints, determined you will study. But somehow, your phone ends up in your hand.. and there’s Facebook.. yes.

4. Put phone across room so you stop looking at phone and focus
Obviously, this isn’t working. You get up, and put your phone somewhere out of your reach- somewhere far away where it can’t hurt you. (Well, where it can’t distract you)

5. wait 20 seconds… go back and get phone
Ah, yes. Now you are on the right track… You get through 2 slides. And then you start wondering what you’ve missed on your phone. Not facebook, but what if your study group sent a really important message that you may need in order to get a good grade?! Having your phone across the room was obviously an irresponsible move.. so you must go get it. 

6. make coffee- because you can’t actually read until after you have coffee, right?
Staring at a screen all morning makes your head feel mottled, and you feel like you can’t even focus until you get yourself that pot of coffee ready. So, you close your computer and go into the kitchen...

7. Drink said coffee.  
After another 10 minutes of waiting for your coffee to brew, and watching your favorite show, your coffee is now ready. FINALLY- now your day can actually begin. Time to be productive. You’re not worried, because you still have 10 hours left to fill with studying.

8. Make a snack.
...because it’s just science that you cannot be productive while hungry

9. watch a DVR'ed show while you eat your snack
1. because you deserve it and 2. because you can’t eat and study and the same time

10. Go start a load of laundry
..ugh! my mind can only focus on the fact that I’m so behind on laundry! Plus, it’ll only take 5 minutes to start. 

11. Finish the rest of the DVR episode
because you can’t just start and episode an not finish it.

12. Do some sort of exercise
yoga, perhaps- mind over matter, am I right?

13. Take a shower
...because it’s science that you study better when you feel your best.

14. Take a nap
showers make you sleepy, and you can’t study when you are sleepy.

15. Repeat cycle.

So, now that you have officially found another way to avoid studying by reading this blog.. We wish you luck as you continue on your path to success and procrastination
(trust me friend, we are right there with you).

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